Wednesday 5 October 2016

How to Hire The Right Comedian!

This ought to most likely be titled "How to Hire the Right Comedian". It is not much difficult to hire a comedian. Simply do a google search of your city and comedian and you'll probably come up with a hundred youtube videos, websites, and even some agents who book comics. Choose a few really great websites, send them an email, give them a value you will pay, let them know you need "clean comic". The comedian will react that obviously they can work "clean", obviously they are perfect, and you hire them. How disillusioned would you say you are the point at which the night of your unique occasion the comedian appears in jeans and t-shirt, utilizes improper dialect, and isn't amusing? How might this have turned out badly?


1). Comedians will quite often think they are perfect for every show. They are most certainly not. I have known comics with just a couple of months of doing comedy let me know that they have booked a corporate or private gig. I chuckle and cry. Chuckle since they are going to suck and cry since now there is a client that will never hire a comedian again.

2). A website & two-minute video doesn't a comedian make.

3). "Clean Comedy" is a relative term.

The right comedian will upgrade your occasion and make you resemble a legend, yet it will take a little work.

1). Set up your budget and characterize what "clean" is to you and your group.

2). Request and call at least three references that are the same sort venue as yours. On the off chance that they can't give you those references then you are the guinea pig.

3). Utilizing a booking agency or booking site doesn't promise a decent result. Ensure your agreement doesn't consider the trap and switch.

4). Get a referral from a companion.

A comedian is an awesome addition to most occasions but only if it is the right comedian. In the event that you are enlisting a comic for your sales meeting, country club, annual meeting, or corporate event, plan on doing only a little work and you will be reaping the rewards.

If you need a referral, contact AllGigs. If you want to hire a comedian in Sydney, AllGigs will help you out in finding the right comedian for your special event!